Wednesday 23 March 2016

What can I do with movenote and how!

Dear friends,
Again I have an opportunity to present before you with a new tool  called Movenote. Movenote is a free tool by  which we can add voice to the powerpoint presentation and use it in our classroom. Let us see in the video how can we use Movenote.

Movenote helps the teacher with the preparation of the class which can be used both online and offline. Since it is a recording, you can play the video file in the classroom as many time as possible according to the learners' needs. So, it helps a teacher to clarify subject without putting much effort.

A teacher can bring varieties in the type of assigned tasks for the learners. They may be present powerpoints, or interview someone, describing a place, or record a conversation and submit as an assignment. Students motivation can easily be created with these kinds of tasks. It is also suitable for introducing flipped classroom where teacher assign some homework and the class can be conducted with the discusssion on the topic. Teacher or learners can prepare it at their own time and pace and repeat the process until perfection. However, it has got one limitation that powerpoint animations can not be shown using it.
Now, let us have a look of a video where I have put voice on a powerpoint.

While recording the video I faced a problem which you may face too. When I tried it for the first time, I saw that the word are being broken and same word is being shown in two lines. Then I thought of a solution which worked! I edited the main powerpoint file, enlarged the textboxes, uploaded the edited one and recorded again. So, if you face the same problem please do the same.
Since this a free tool it is also applicable to the context of Bangladesh. So, have fun in using this kind of tool!

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