Sunday 14 February 2016

A general introduction to Triptico

Triptico- an interactive online tool
Friends, I know you all are much enthusiastic about learning new applications which you can use in the classroom!
Let us know about a new interactive tool called Triptico. It is a tool which you can use to teach the digital natives with innovations and enjoyment.

Triptico offers a variety of interactive games like word magnet, what is the question, find ten, bingo etc. This online programme supports various stages like grouping students, randomly selecting students for activities, playing bingo etc. 

If you explore Triptico, you will see it can help designing varieties of activities in teaching vocabulary, grammar or skills.
You can also insert pictures related to the content. Additional effects can be added (sound and motion) to the game to bring bring pleasure to the class! 

Using photos according to the context can also be done in some games. The above one is used in word magnet.

With technological development in the twenty first century, learners are getting more and more technology dependent. Triptico can serve the purpose of teaching the digital natives incorporating enough innovations in different activities.
It can ensure inclusion of shy students and motivate them for participating actively in classroom!

Let’s think of the game ‘What is the question?’ Students will have to be divided into three or four groups. There will be twelve answers in the twelve boxes and each box will have marks allotted to it. Students from each group will come to the board, click the box they want to tell the question for and will score marks if they can mention the correct question for the answer given. At the end the group which score more marks will be the winner.

Teacher can easily make the game by following instructions given for it. He has to double click the game and have the menu screen from where the teacher can have necessary guidance to make it.

Along with the premium games, Triptico also provides some free games. However, in one month trial period, you can have all the games free.
You can save the game after you make it in the page my saves and she can use it in future.

Dear friends, hope you will try this online tool to make the teaching enjoyable to your students and add to your professional development.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Urmila,

    Triptico is a great tool and I really liked it when I first saw it with Tilly. The music add fun to it and it needs quick thinking and reaction. I also agree that it supports teachers with lots of ways to be creative and it has all the templates ready so teachers don't spend much time designing their tasks.
