Sunday 28 February 2016

Twitter for teachers

Using Twitter

Dear friends, some of us are already language professions and others are going to start your career in this area. In the days where professional development are give the ample importance, we need to stand with other people I the same professional platform and share new ideas and information. Twitter creates us opportunities for the same.

What is Twitter?

Twitter is a professional network which include of 140-character messages These messages are called as Tweets like birds. The symbol of Twitter is also a bird. The news you are interested in can be easily found by Twitter. It is designed to help us dive into Twitter’s world of information and find things of our interests.

Why should we use Twitter?

Twitter provides information valuable to you according to your interest. Messages from your selected persons or account will be shown on your home page so that you can easily have the updated news and information. It works like newspaper news of your interests – you can discover news as it’s happening, learn more about topics that are important to you, and dig deeper in real time.
We may read Tweets and discover new information whenever you check in on your Twitter timeline.. Some people find it useful to contribute their own Tweets, but the real magic of Twitter lies in reading information that matters to you.

How to start using Twitter:

If you go to , you will have the home page of twitter. You have to sign up by your user name, phone or email address and password and by following instructions. Your user name should start with @ and your name with no space in between. After you finish creating the account, you can login by using your user name and password. When you log in, you will have your home page.

DISCOVER SOURCES: Find and follow others

The main job of using Twitter is to follow other interesting Twitter accounts. You may follow people you are interested about, businesses you love, professional group, celebrities, or news channel you prefer. (Click here to have a look of some of the accounts).  You have to search the account you are interested in the ‘search Twitter’ box. If you find it useful, you have to click ‘Tweet’ and you will start following the account. You can find more by the interesting accounts by checking the accounts your admirers are following.

How to check your timeline

When you log in Twitter, the page you view is the“Timeline.” Here you will have all the messages from the accounts that you follow. This page will have all the new information of your interest. You may click links in others’ Tweets to view articles, images or videos they’ve linked to. If you are looking for a topic, you have to write ‘hashtag(#)+keywords’ without any space between them in the search box to view all Tweets about that topic. 

 Using Twitter in your mobile

You can also use Twitter in your mobile so that you can get all the news updates that you need. Using Twitter via SMS allows you to pick and choose which updates you want from those you follow, so you can get mobile updates from the accounts that matter most to your life on-the-go.

Post your own Tweets

You can contribute to Twitter by posting your own Tweets. You may share any link to your own creation or writing on your home page. However, the link should not be too long. For this reason, the link can be shorten with the help of the website like Bitly Url Shortener and Management Platform  ( and use the shorten for in your twitter post. People who are interested in what you have to say may follow you and they’ll see all the Tweets you share with them.

Building a voice by Retweet, reply, react

You can present your voice by clicking the icons at the bottom of each Tweet. These icons are ‘Reply’, ‘Retweet’, ‘Like’ and ‘More’. Using these icons, inform   existing information (other people's Tweets) on Twitter to find your own voice and show others what you care about. Retweet messages you've found and love, or @reply with your reaction to a Tweet you find interesting.

How to mention others in your content

Once you're ready to begin authoring your own messages, consider mentioning other users by their Twitter username (preceded by the @ sign) in your Tweets. This can help you think of what to write, will draw more eyes to your message, and can even start a new conversation. Try posting a message mentioning a celebrity or person you admire – they often respond to fans. You’ll see their response on your Mentions tab. 

How to explore advanced features

As you become more engaged on Twitter, others will begin to find and follow you. Once you're familiar with Twitter basics, consider exploring the site’s more advanced features: listsdirect messages, and likes. Learn how to include images or videos in your Tweets, or consider connecting your Twitter account to your your blogFacebook, or websiteYou can gain followers on Twitter by regularly engaging yourself and contributing in a meaningful way.

Using Twitter in mobile

By installing Twitter account to your mobile phone number, you can receive and write Tweets via text message.

How can Twitter support a teacher

Twitter link people with other people who can contribute to his learning. A teacher is a lifelong learner. If she or he can be connected to other teachers, teacher educators, researchers, specialists, he or she can have updated knowledge, link to new readings, researches, which will reduce the distance among the people, overcome the national boundaries of knowledge and create a free flow of knowledge and skill. It can bring a change in the attitude among people by sharing local and global knowledge among people. A teacher can apply the knowledge, skill and attitude gained through this network to her practice which in turn will bring greater benefit for the learners.


  1. Hi Urmila,

    I agree that Twitter fosters the connection and access to likeminded teachers/scholars. Although I just started using Twitter a couple of weeks ago (I know it's strange not to have Twitter at this day and age), I've been receiving useful updates for ELT topics that I might use in my future teaching. As a novice teacher, I think it's great to have this kind of support and insight.

  2. Hi Urmila,
    Twitter is very powerful and influential in the western world. So it makes great access to absorbing new things in English teaching/learning. Although it's not that prevalent in my context, it is worth exploring, in terms of ELT/ELL, as most users are English-speakers! Thank you for describing the usage of it in detail.

  3. Hi Urmilla,

    Thanks for such a descriptive post about the functions of Twitter! Are there any Twitter accounts that you recommend for EFL or ESL sources?

    1. Dear Wanda,
      Thanks for your comment. Yes, I recommend some EFL and ESL sorces like British Council, Jeremy Hermer, George Pickering, ELTchat etc.

  4. Hey Urmila - my comments are like London wait for ages to get one, and two come at once! I think Twitter is a very powerful tool, especially in the West (like others have mentioned). However it's imperative to separate the personal from the professional, and I think your perspective can only ever expand by following the many talented and innovative teachers on there. Gary

    1. Thanks Gary for you comment. There is a proverb called better late than never. So, though late, I appreciate your participation.
